Archive | October, 2010

Pre-Halloween Photo Booth

31 Oct

Running away with Ghosts,
those who build stories in your head and laugh at your Fears, throwing them away from your Dreams..
So you can sleep at night,

So you never forget how to write my name.

The BEST way to celebrate anything, is to celebrate it before anyone else, and DO IT DIFFERENTLY, especially when looks or make-up are involved. In fact, those paper eyelashes are the same kind of the ones i had made for a shoot in India that had been great fun too.
(btw: on the same note, i was hopping to find a black TUTU for a wedding.. if anyone could help me on that, it seems rather hard to find, even in Paris and at the HELP!).

Just Another Exhib

29 Oct

Thursday was an exhibition rich day for miss Poppins and her friends (!).. this was one of them, on Street Art, all under one roof with live demos.. Nothing much to say besides the fact that it was very color-intense and graphically rich.. so enjoy!

All Artists and Credits to be found at: Le M.U.R de l’art”, at the Blancs Manteaux Art Space, 48 rue Vieille du Temple, Paris. (until Nov. 1st).

Message In a Bottle

25 Oct

Cheat on your Loves in your sleep, for that the one you dream of, might be the one worth it.
Sweet in your nightmares, bitter in your dreams, i’ll come to you without the mask i wear for the vain lovers.

My breath is calm and my heart slows down, feel it pulse on my lips, as you find me lying down.
My eyes shut when yours open wide, for our nights and Days, fade into each other.

Nightmare an End to my dreams, i’ll dream an end to your nightmares, both may come true.
Dream of me bitter-sweet, because such is life, Stars are both beautiful and Dead.

Show Off Paris

24 Oct

Today was the last day of the SHOW OFF PARIS, a fantastic 4 days event that gathered some of the most influent galleries (mainly Parisians but a couple of other too) under one roof white-tent.

I ran to the exhibit on thursday afternoon straight after class, expecting that we’ll have to queue for a while, but not. The place was strangely empty. There were some major art event happening next door and for the same four days (fiac), and that one had loads of black shiny cars + men in suits + women in heels lined up at the entrance – and in such effervescence  that the entire boulevard suddenly seemed to appear very busy and important, but to be honest, it seemed as much of a social masquerade show than an Art event. Anyways, the good thing is that all those important people were not only very distracting to watch, but that they somewhat contributed to the fact that i could enjoy a high quality exhibition without being pushed over by a million legs/feet/arms while admiring the work put up, and that was a breeze. No one wants to go to an exhibition and feel like being in the Metro.

So back to the exhibit per se, i truly, deeply enjoyed it, and wish that those of you who are in Paris could see it. And for the all others, i hope that the picture will reflect and communicate some amount of the inspiration i felt.

Note: as usual, i left snippets of thoughts as comments on the pictures, keep the mouse over the pictures to read them, in case you haven’t found that one out already..
[all credits and refs of the works shot here]

Daytime Star Gazer

23 Oct

He who dreams eyes wide open, staring at the stars at night.  He you will call strange. He who sleepwalks when you run in the daytime. He who’s got nothing to envy you, when you can’t sleep because you’re holding onto other people’s dreams..


23 Oct

So i’m chewing on little Iron Pills, because Popeye’s cans are not to be found in Parisian Supermarkets.. i need some metal into my blood to keep the girl runnin’.

Walking by the AFTERSQUAT.

20 Oct

When Winter comes in and you start getting cold, you better keep yourself warm at home, and enjoy some cocooning time. When your home happens to be rather cold too, then you better keep yourself busy..!

Every day, i try to do something that will make me grow in some or open my eyes a tiny bit more. The two can of course be linked. it is not difficult really, but i just try to let it happen and plan it as little as possible. I am becoming allergic to planning things out. Even if it’s something fun with a friend. All of a sudden the planning spoils all the joy out of the whole thing, i feel stuck somehow. It is really silly and not “normal”.. oh well. Anyways, often, a short walk does the trick. It brings you experiences, sights or people who make you grow or open up, when you least expected it. I almost got run over by a cycle yesterday. It does not have to be on the happy side always.

So today i went for a walk, walked so far i thought i should take the subway back, but i had forgotten that there were still strikes going on and i got literally squeezed and soaked in a million people’s workday sweat and worries… uuh. But that long walk brought me to an artist residency / publicly open art workshop spaces i had been  meaning to visit for quite some time.

Very insightful.


Classroom Mood..

19 Oct

So for those out there who’ve been wondering and asking about my classes: here is how it looks and feel! today’s class was on natural makeup still, with an extra touch of technique. Gotta love the way we build our skill-set one step at a time, with everyday a new technique to learn.. we’re still at the basic, what we do in half an hour now will be a 2 minutes automatic job later on.. but that’ll be in some weeks. Right now, i’m truly enjoying learning the basics, trying to work the finest possible. love, love, love.

** a big thank to my favorite model for her patience and trust!

** And here is the Doll after some Eyebrow reshaping and Hair curling done by me : ). I think she looks like Emmanuelle béart .

Up in the Attic

16 Oct

So the make up Era has begun indeed, and it’s been a very exiting and intense week (or has it been two weeks already? Time goes. and flies die.. anyways..), that got me  running all over the place, physically and mentally, with a few logistic changes in my life as well.. things that took me away from this blog. I shall come back soon with some glimpses of museum painting(s) or some makeup stuff.. soon.

Meanwhile, a couple of mood-shots from under the attic – where i think a lot, and sleep a lot less. Just because it’s pretty. and because it’s been pretty hard to climb those steps while i lack the energy a good night of sleep would give me. But that’s on the plan for this weekend.. starting now.

The Makeup Era has begun

6 Oct

Airbrush makeup inspiration shot from a magazine i sifted through.

Here we are, i officially started my makeup artist course.. looking forward to the 3 wonderful years of learning to come! I went to buy all my makeup kit.. more pics on that to come.. life sometimes extra exiting.


BITE YOUR NAILS (with envy).

of course there were some things that i could not resist at the shop, although there were not on the list ( i mean.. a PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP ARTIST SHOP?!!?)..